Friday, October 24, 2008

Kids less likely to graduate than parents, report shows -

Kids less likely to graduate than parents, report shows - "Your child is less likely to graduate from high school than you were, and most states are doing little to hold schools accountable, according to a study by a children's advocacy group.

The numbers are dismal: One in four kids is dropping out of school, a rate that hasn't budged for at least five years.

'The U.S. is stagnating while other industrialized countries are surpassing us,' said Anna Habash, author of the report by Education Trust, which advocates on behalf of minority and poor children. 'And that is going to have a dramatic impact on our ability to compete,' she said.

In fact, the United States is now the only industrialized country where young people are less likely than their parents to earn a diploma, the report said, citing data compiled by the international Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development."


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